Thursday, April 10, 2014

Keeping busy.....

.....with various chores around the house. The weather has been warmer and the flower beds have been calling. I tend to play in those in the afternoon. Mornings have been reserved for cleaning up the east pasture, around the llama shed, the barnyard, and the catch pen. There's lots to clean this year with our weird winter and the fiber flock not being super crazy about their hay......and the multitude of "bean" piles that were left behind. It's been a wonderful way to start each and every day. I love being out there with my flock.....listening to the alpacas "talk" to each other......having the sheep come up for pets and chin scratches. My two large dogs come out with and they really enjoy being able to wander around and explore.  

I've also been keeping busy with quilting. Still doing appliqué on the Saltbox Sampler. Just got the vine, leaves, and berries glued down on the left side. I will spend the next couple of evenings happily stitching away. The photo was taken when the quilt was laying on my cutting table.

Been knitting as well. Working on a Shetland lace shawl (my own design). My little guy is loving it.  :)   Once the shawl and pattern is finished then I will post photos of the finished shawls. Yes, there is more than one.  :)

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