Fiber Fun!!
Here is the result of my latest afternoon of fiber fun. This is a blend of 75% Shetland/25% Soy Silk. The Shetland is from of my own sheep. He has such lovely fawn colored fiber. And it's so soft. I had dyed it before putting it through the drum carder. Then I blended it with bleached soy silk. Sure did lighten up the pink color (which I really like). I ended up blending only half of my original batt at a time. Didn't want to take the chance on overloading my carder.....or messing up my newly blended bat. It took another four runs through the carder to get everything blended to where I was happy with it. This is defnitely a learning experience for me. This is actually my first attempt at blending. I have never used my drum carder for anything other than simply carding up fiber for spinning. Love the end result of blending though and definitely see more of this in the future. I'm already planning on blending one of my Shetland lamb fleeces with a bit of wool from my llama and soy silk. I'm hoping it turns out really nice. I would love to use it to make a sweater for myself.
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