And it wasn't rain!!! Yes, it actually snowed yesterday....for most of the day. It came down hard and furious at times with the wind howling......forcing the flock to take shelter. This snow to be seen anywhere. Just very cold temperatures. It warmed up enough early yesterday evening to melt everything. Such crazy weather!!
We had plans to work outside on the new fence for the dogs, but that had to be put on hold ....for obvious reasons. Made a good dent in the remodel of the kids' bathroom though. The old sink/vanity, medicine cabinet, and mirror have been taken out. The toilet is next to come out. The tub/shower combination will stay. It's amazing how large the bathroom looks now that it is nearly empty. I never realized how much room the sink/vanity combination took up. The new vanity was put in last night just to see how it would look. Wow!! Really opened things up. It's much smaller (and prettier) than the old one. Now I can't wait for everything to be done. So today I will start on the taping/mudding with the hopes of finishing a good part of it. My loving hubby will do a few repairs later on tonight (the medicine cabinet was set into the wall so that will have to be taken care of since another will not be going in). He hopes to have all the prep work done in a day or two so that we can start painting. It will be a total remodel from floor to ceiling (with the exception of the tub/shower combination). I have all my light fixtures and mirror picked out. The new sink/vanity is already here waiting to be put in. I've picked out a really pretty faux stone floor. The completed bathroom will have a country garden theme to it.
This will be the second room that has been re-done since my youngest moved out. While it is a bit sad, it's also exiting. It's like we are re-claiming the house as our own. :.) As for the kids.....well, their thoughts on everything is "It's about time!!" :.)